Clean-up Utrecht

Zo leuk dat je op een clean-up mensen leert kennen waar je gewoon nog een keer mee wilt gaan opruimen! Zo enorm betrokken dat het gewoon minimaal nog een keer herhaald moest worden!

We hebben in Utrecht met een kleine maar betrokken groep een stuk Utrecht opgeruimd. Hoe leuk was dat na afloop er een Indonesische maaltijd klaar stond! Bijzondere ervaring!

Bagaimana hal ini dimulai

Kita semua tahu tentang gambar lautan penuh dengan plastim atau binatang yang mati karena polusi. Aku, Alex van Eck, tidak bisa diam saja melihat gambar tersebut dan tidak akan menyebarkan ke sosial media. Lebih seringnya, orang-orang “menenggelamkan kepala mereka di pasir” atau “melarikan diri”. Hal ini tidak menyelesaikan masalah, tentunya. Itulah sebabnya aku ingin melakukan hal yang sederhana.

Atas alasan itu, aku melatih anjingky untuk mengambil botol plastik. Ternyata hal ini berhasil, sehinggak aku mengembangkan anjingku untuk kemudian mengambil kaleng dan box jus. Selagi berjalan-jalan, kami terobsesi dengan sampah yang kami lihat sehingga bersama-sama kamiDuring our mengumpulkan dan mengambil apapun jenis sampah yang kami temukan. Di tas ajing, kami menyimpan sampah yang kami temukan dan berjalan ke tempat sampah formal uang kami lalui di perjalanan.

Berdasarkan atensi dan rekasi dari komunitas di lingkungan kami (IJsselstein), kami membuat Instagram dan halaman Facebook yang dinamai #enjoycleaningup. Di sini kami mengunggah kegiatan jalan-jalan harian dan terkadang acara bersih-bersih di akhir pekan. Meskipun subyeknya negatif, akan semakin parah jika kita tidak berbuat apapun sehingga kita memberi tagar Although the subject is negative, with even “spotlight” pada upaya baik apapun untuk membersihkan dan menjadikan lingkungan kita cantik.

One thought on “Clean-up Utrecht”

  1. It was my birthday. I conducted “clean-up” for my birthday party. It was not only me initiated the activity, but it was after I met Alex and friends from NL Care on 4th of April 2019. I did some voluntary activities back then when I was still in my home country, but, I thought I need to keep continuing my contribution for good causes by these such activities. Clean-up itself, in Javanese tribe is one of cultural activity done by men regularly to clean up their neighbourhood, some for special occasion like independence day, some for just beautifying the environment by get rid of litters. When men do the clean up, women provide the foods for them. We call it, “Kerjabakti”.

    On 13th April 2019 was my birthday. It is always what I do every year for the last 6 years to have a reflection to evaluate what good and bad things I have done during the year. Suddenly, after I did voluntary clean-up, I realised I did nothing recently, instead of complaining to what happened around. I want to close the latest age (sorry, I dont want to share how old am I. hahaha) to do something for good causes but easy to do. I just wanted to do that alone, because it would be my personal journey to the new age. Then I texted Tom, Alex’s partner in EnjoyCleaningUp and he would come and join together with Alex himself. I was happy that then people are encouraged to celebrate my birthday like that.

    Beside Alex and Tom, I invited some friends. Unfortunately, some of them couldnt come because it was also the last day before we had period break in the university. Tom himself, in short notice had to go back to Portugal. Anyhow, it was so fun and made me so happy. Some people who still could attend were enjoy the activity and I hope they are inspired at least not to litter trash except in the trash bin, or even reduce their waste.

    After the clean up session, we enjoy Indonesian snacks and meals that we prepared before the activity. We cooked really traditional foods which were mostly vegan. Even the foods were covered by Banana leaves to reduce plastics for environmental and health reasons. I think, besides doing clean up to build awareness and reflect my new age, providing Indonesian foods also introduced to international participants about Indonesia.

    Lastly, thank you for everyone who came. Thank you for everybody who cares to the environmental and social problem. Thank you for the opportunity that I am still here and need to keep going my steps toward sustainability.

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